IPCG - Institute of Corporate Governance in Portugal
IPCG - Instituto Português de Corporate Governance is a private, non-profit organisation set up in 2003.
We aim to promote the dissemination of good corporate governance practices as an essential tool for economic efficiency, sustainable growth and financial stability, based on a recommendatory model that shares self-regulation.
Our individual members include a very diverse range of professional skills and expertise (managers, researchers, lawyers, auditors, economists, etc.) and backgrounds (public sector, private sector, liberal professionals, etc.), which ensure not only a plurality and independence of views and opinions, but also a very wide range of knowledge and perspectives on corporate governance. The IPCG also benefits from being able to count on an important range of member companies, some of the most representative in terms of their presence and connection to the capital market, and which thus provide, at the one hand, a vision of reality and, at the other, contribute to the dissemination of best practices in terms of good corporate governance.
Our mission includes the long but successful process of preparing and approving a Corporate Governance Code for the Portuguese capital market.
IPCG invites all those interested in these matters to join and welcomes any contributions on corporate governance issues.
To promote the dissemination of good corporate governance practices as an essential tool for the economic efficiency, financial stability and sustainable growth of organisations.
Our mission
Our mission is to promote effective corporate governance in Portugal.
We aim to foster transparency, responsibility and corporate ethics in order to create long-term value for all stakeholders, as well as to increase corporate governance literacy across the various sectors of the Portuguese economy.
We aim to foster transparency, responsibility and corporate ethics in order to create long-term value for all stakeholders, as well as to increase corporate governance literacy across the various sectors of the Portuguese economy.
1. Promotes a culture of responsibility and transparency:
Encourages organisations to disclose their governance practices and financial and non-financial performance in a clear and accessible manner.
2. Develops and disseminates best practices:
Disseminates relevant research, organises workshops and conferences and collaborates with experts to identify and promote effective governance practices.
3. Provides training:
Provides training and makes resources available to publicise the main elements of governance, including the responsibilities of the board of directors, risk management and the involvement of the various stakeholders.
4. Defends reforms:
Works with legislators, regulators and associations from the various sectors to promote legislation and policies that improve transparency, accountability and corporate ethics.
5. Ensures the periodic review of the Corporate Governance Code and the annual monitoring of its application:
Disseminates the Code, ensuring that it is reviewed and updated in the light of international best practice and the realities of the business fabric. Monitors its application on an annual basis.
Our vision is to create a more responsible and sustainable corporate world, where companies operate with integrity, transparency and responsibility.
Av. Eng.º Duarte Pacheco
Amoreiras Torre 2, 14.º E
1070-102 Lisboa
Opening hours
09h00 - 13h00
14h00 - 18h00
Weekends and public holidays